The legendary Green Man has existed for centuries but it’s no myth that he’s been brewing great beer in Asheville since 1997. As one of North Carolina’s oldest breweries, Green Man has been producing some of the beer scene’s most iconic ales. Our offerings are consistently recognized for quality as well as loyalty to traditional English styles. Additionally, our brewers strive to bring innovative and exciting new flavors to beer loving folks. …Continuing our evolution we are mid-way through our third expansion to our well-known downtown location on groovy Buxton Ave. We are ambitiously constructing a 3 story, 18,000 sqft. packaging hall and specialty brewhouse that will include a “brewtique” and an indoor/outdoor taproom loft overlooking the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.
Green Man India Pale Ale is delectably hoppy with a properly balanced body. Generous hop additions give it a wonderful bitterness and pleasant floral nose, while our combination of traditional British malts creates a rich, satisfying flavor and alluring copper color. This authentic English-style IPA is our flagship ale.
English IPA
ABV: 6.2%